Revolutionizing Education Through Science

Neuroscience Research Meets Practice

USC CANDLE merges cutting-edge neuroscience with innovative educational strategies to create new, evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning.

Guiding Lasting Change

Through dynamic partnerships across research, practice, and policy, we aim to transform educational systems at every level.

Key Initiatives

USC CANDLE is driving change through three interconnected areas of focus:


Advancing research in adolescent development to shape education and explore how students and teachers build resilience.


Empowering educators to apply all-new, cutting-edge teaching strategies in classrooms through the Innovation Lab.


Shaping policies through collaboration to support sustainable, development-focused education.

Shaping Future Classrooms

Transforming Lives Through Education

From students newly engaged in their classrooms to educators empowered with research-based methods, our work sparks meaningful shifts in the educational landscape.

By informing policy, shaping practice, and inspiring change at every level, we foster environments where students can thrive and society can flourish.

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang presentation at TEDx Manhattan Beach on Embodied Brains, Social Minds

Our Global Reach

Our impact extends from classrooms to communities worldwide. Through research, collaboration, and advocacy, we transform education and drive lasting change.

Total educators and learners reached since 2019

Researchers engaged through outreach initiatives

Administrators and policy-makers directly engaged through our dissemination